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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

After Sonny Testifies at Nina’s Hearing the Assistant DA Calls [Spoiler] to the Stand

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Martin has a nasty hangover when he wakes up in his room at the Metro Court. Lucy is sleeping next to him when he rolls over, however, her feet are on the pillow. He dons his Santa hat as she asks if he’s ready for another round. Martin proposes they go out for brunch after that. Lucy points out that she’ll be wearing the same clothes she wore yesterday, which will cause a stir. Martin is excited about the prospect, but she reminds him that he is the mayor’s brother and that he has a reputation. He did some research on her and discovered that she is well-known. Lucy agrees to let him buy her breakfast after they kiss.



Laura and Kevin continue to enjoy their reunion in the restaurant. Nikolas interrupts and offers to reschedule their appointment, but Laura says she has something urgent to discuss. Laura wishes to discuss Spencer’s problems. She apologizes for being tough with him when he was correct about Spencer being the stalker, but he now owes it to his son to do the right thing.

Nikolas will support his son once he accepts responsibility for his acts. Laura believes that he needs to be present for Spencer so that no one else can affect him. Kevin agrees that Spencer requires a solid foundation, while Laura is concerned that Spencer owes Victor money. She begs her son to consider Spencer’s best interests.



Lucy, still dressed for Christmas, and Martin, dressed as Santa, eat breakfast together. Laura takes a break to speak with her brother. She takes him aside and informs him of Cyrus’ claim that the killer was not sent to the safehouse. She’s not sure if she believes Cyrus, but she wanted to make him aware of the situation. She also informs him that Kevin knows a fantastic dry cleaner who specializes in Santa costumes. Martin returns to Lucy, who believes Laura advised him to stay away from her and attempts to flee. He comes to a halt and tells her that this is the most fun he’s had in a long time and that he doesn’t want it to finish. Lucy beams.



Shawn pays a visit to Alexis and discovers that she is returning to college. Dante arrives to meet Shawn on official police business before she can say anything else. The investigator informs them about an anonymous tip that led them to some old remains abandoned in the woods that had been linked to a hired hitman. They tested the firearm buried with him and discovered it was the same gun that was used to shoot Hayden.

Dante informs Shawn that he has been exonerated of all accusations and departs. Alexis declares that this was not a tip from an anonymous source, and Shawn claims that her nephew is meticulous. “Speak of the devil,” Shawn says as he hears Nikolas calling. Nikolas informs Shawn that the last of the funds have been transferred to his non-profit, and Shawn informs him that the police have cleared his name. Nikolas bids him a pleasant day now that their business is completed. Shawn, on the other hand, informs Alexis that the situation is far from ended, even if her nephew believes it is.



When Joss and Cam kiss at Cam’s, they are stopped by Esme, who has a severe problem. Spencer accepted the plea offer and is terrified about serving a month in prison, she tells Joss and Cam. Esme adores Spencer and is well aware that they do as well, which is why she requires their assistance. Cam inquires as to what they can do. Esme recommends they move up their winter trip to Sonny’s cottage to make some joyful memories before Spencer begins his sentence. Given everything going on, Joss hasn’t asked Sonny yet, but she will. Cam says they’ll talk about it and come back to Esme. Esme asks if she may phone Sonny right now. Esme smiles and walks away.

Joss says she’ll inquire into the cabin, but she’s not going to change her mind about Esme. They resume their kissing, which had been stopped.



Trina stops by Kelly’s for a cup of coffee for herself and Ava. Victor shows up and asks Spencer how he’s doing now that his legal problems are behind him. Spencer confesses that he is afraid. Spencer greets Trina and informs her that he signed the plea agreement paperwork this morning. He still has reservations about serving 30 days in prison, but he appreciates his uncle’s assistance. Victor informs him that he’ll be waiting for him when he gets out. Victor requests a cup of tea, and when he is alone with Trina, he expresses his happiness that his nephew keeps company with someone so lovely.

Obrecht calls Scott in the Llanview County courtroom and asks if he has a plan to get Willow to testify. He’s working on it right now.



Michael inquires about Willow’s feelings, knowing that she disagrees with his choice to press charges against Nina. She simply wants to get on with her life. Carly, on the other hand, informs Sonny that she wants this over with and Nina out of their lives. Nina walks inside the courtroom and hears Carly. Willow approaches her to speak with her as she makes her way to her seat. Nina thanks Willow once more for not telling the truth to anyone. Willow is doing it only for Michael and Wiley’s benefit.



The DA tells Michael and Willow that this isn’t a trial, but rather a hearing, and Scott is free to invite whomever he wants to testify. Scott realizes he’s discovered a flaw.

Victor tries to strike up a conversation with Obrecht outside Kelly’s after she hangs up with Scott. He invites her and Scott to dinner with him, but Obrecht prefers glass.



Victor informs Obrecht that he saved her from Peter and that because of her aggression, he might not intervene again. She swears there will be no next time, but Victor chuckles and says there always is. He warns her not to get in his path. She cautions him to stay away from her or he’ll learn about her Scotty’s abilities.



Inside, Trina tells Spencer that she understands his fear, but it’s good to see him in this human light. Esme interrupts Trina and Spencer’s conversation with information about their upcoming cabin trip. Joss calls shortly after, informing Esme that she and Cam have agreed to hold the weekend trip before Spencer leaves. She’ll inquire about the cabin with Sonny later today. Esme expresses her gratitude, and Spencer is ecstatic to discover that the trip has been scheduled. When Spencer inquires about Trina’s attendance, Esme swiftly responds that she’ll be too preoccupied with school. Trina swears that she wouldn’t miss it for the world. It’s what Esme refers to as “the sendoff for the ages.”



Nina returns to court and asks Scott about her chances of avoiding trial. Scott believes it’s a safe bet. The judge begins the hearing by calling it to order.



Scott summons Sonny to the witness stand and inquires as to why he did not press charges against Nina. Sonny admits that he had wasted a lot of time and just wanted to get on with his life and spend time with his family. Scott points out that Michael disagrees with him, and he and his wife Willow made a significant payment to the Assistant District Attorney before his client was accused. He wonders if Michael should face bribery charges.



The Assistant DA objects, but Scott claims that the donation is public information. Michael is not on trial, the judge reminds out, and the Assistant DA wants to bring a witness to defend his reputation. The judge grants permission, Sonny is dismissed, and Willow is called to the stand by the Assistant DA.



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